The most popular type of coffee in NJ isn’t what you’d expect
Let's begin here with a simple question. Can you start your day without coffee? I'm sure those of you who do drink coffee said absolutely not.
As for those who said yes, what do you think about the smell of coffee? I'm a coffee drinker myself, but my sister is not.
However, even though she doesn't drink coffee, she loves the smell of it. And if I had to make a bet, I would say most people out there who don't drink it might actually agree with her.
I remember growing up to smell coffee in the morning. Even before I started drinking it I always loved the smell of it inside the house. There's just something about that aroma filling the air in the morning.
Of course, that's when people mainly drank coffee at home made from an old-fashioned coffee maker. Fast-forward to today and times have really changed.
More people now than ever prefer to go out and purchase their coffee. And, unlike how it used to be with just sugar, milk, cream, or straight black, we now have multiple flavors and styles to choose from.
Call me old-fashioned, but I prefer freshly brewed coffee at home with only a splash of milk and perhaps a little sugar. And the stronger the brew, the better. Not only does it taste good, you can't beat the smell.
And being New Jersey is the diner capital of the world, you would think that perhaps straight black coffee is the top choice for those in the Garden State. After all, black coffee is a staple in a New Jersey diner.
But nope, that's not it at all. In fact, our most popular type of coffee points to this trend of preferring coffee out as opposed to at home.
According to a study conducted by Betway, the most searched-for coffee drink in New Jersey is the cappuccino. In fact, New Jersey is one of 8 states where the cappuccino is apparently the most popular choice for coffee.
I still say it should be a good old classic cup of coffee, but perhaps that's just me. I just feel if a place is going to be referred to as the diner capital of the world, that a simple cup of coffee that's typically served in a diner should also be our go-to choice.
With that said, the cappuccino isn't the most popular type of coffee drink in America. And before you ask, no, it's not a regular cup of coffee either.
Outside of New Jersey, the latte is actually the most popular. 30 states in fact search for lattes more than any other type of coffee.
That's followed by the cappuccino in 8 states, with the Americano being the most popular in 5 states. And just in case you were curious, Canada's top choice overall is also the cappuccino.
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Gallery Credit: Erin Vogt
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The above post reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 Sunday morning host & content contributor Mike Brant. Any opinions expressed are his own.