I've been playing guitar for almost my entire life.

I love the feel of the instrument, the sound it has when you strike a power chord just the right way, and for years, when I played in a band the way the instrument feels like it's a part of you.

Now, all of that being said, I know nothing about guitar.

Sure, I can play riffs, write songs, and jam but if you were to ask me how to play a C sharp diminished chord, how to play a scale in a Dorian mode, or how to play advanced scales I'd likely draw a blank.

I feel like this has really held me back as a player, I may not be touring regionally in a band anymore, but I still want to know everything there is to know about the instrument! My big issue was the focus; looking at sheet music, and watching endless Youtube videos, just didn't do it for me.

Thank God for Fret Zealot.

At first, I wasn't sure what to expect but the Fret Zealot system comes with an LED light strip that covers 14 frets and interacts with your smartphone or tablet.

Credit: Buehler
Credit: Buehler

Why an LED light strip?

Because the lights illuminate to show you exactly where your fingers need to be on the neck!

Whether you're learning a new chord or a new scale, Fret Zealot has it all.

Photo Credit: Buehler
Photo Credit: Buehler

And since you can work with Fret Zealot when it's convenient for you, and break the lessons up into chunks you can handle, focusing on scales and chords is going to be a breeze.

I also consider myself a visual learner, and when you go to learn a new song on Fret Zealot, you can actually see what you need to play while also hearing the rhythm, which is amazingly helpful.

If you're just starting your guitar journey, then welcome to the family, and if you're a tried and true player but really want to hone in your schools, then you're really going to enjoy everything Fret Zealot has to offer.

Personally, I'm looking forward to learning a few new scales each week as well as working on my finger-picking technique — think "Dust in the Wind" by Kansas.

Also, the Yamaha acoustic they sent over with the system sounds absolutely badass! Try Fret Zealot today and learn guitar with light. Check out fretzealot.com for more.

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