With all the technological advances in vehicles over the last decade, researchers think it may be time to add another signal color to your local traffic lights.
If you've ever sat at a red light for what seems like an eternity, you'll be happy to know there might be a way to make sure the light turns green when it's supposed to from right inside your car.
The average driver spends 58.6 hours a year waiting at red traffic lights. Over the average lifespan of 70 years, that is a total of 4,102 hours or 171 days. I have a traffic hack that will give you that time back. You’re welcome.
During the winter months, things are a little calmer up and down 35. Most know this route but if you don’t this is the area that includes locations like Seaside Heights, Lavallette, Ortley Beach, and Mantoloking.
A Toms River woman's impatience at a red light leads to a four car collision after she was t-boned at the intersection of Route 37 and Hooper Avenue Tuesday.