
Watch “Heart of the Shore” Tomorrow Night in Seaside Park
Watch “Heart of the Shore” Tomorrow Night in Seaside Park
Watch “Heart of the Shore” Tomorrow Night in Seaside Park
World Premiere of “Heart of the Shore” A Film Documentary of Superstorm Sandy Presented by Emmy nominated Cliff Charles of “When the Levee Breaks” a Katrina Story Date: October 11, 2014 Doors Open: 5:30 PM Start Time: 6:15 PM Location: Seaside Park Beach Corner of Ocean Avenue and Stockton Avenue, Seaside Park, NJ Admission: FREE!
Trip to Mantoloking NJ [PHOTOS]
Trip to Mantoloking NJ [PHOTOS]
Trip to Mantoloking NJ [PHOTOS]
Today we got a chance to go on a tour of the devastated barrier island of Mantoloking, NJ. A group of various media boarded a bus escorted by Brick Chief of police Nells Burquist, Brick Mayor Steve Acropolis, and Colonel Brian Griefer from the National Guard...
My Visit to the hurricane shelter
My Visit to the hurricane shelter
My Visit to the hurricane shelter
I made a trip to Toms River High School East today to drop off some items. I also wanted to talk to the people in charge to see how they are doing and to ask about the specific things that they are in need of. I have to tell you first of all how moved I was by the outpouring of generosity that Ocean County is showing...