Our military service men and women are out there battling all kinds of elements including weather and surface related as they're stationed around the world.
A pair of bills from Ocean County State Assemblyman Ron Dancer (R), aimed at helping veterans across the state of New Jersey in multiple ways, is taking steps forward towards becoming reality.
For nurses, a courtesy certification would extend for the life of their license, and for teachers, the extension would be an additional four years beyond 180 teaching days.
I just wanted to take a minute to salute our heroic Veterans today. Thank you to all who have served and to all who have made the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms we enjoy. It is not lost on me that every time Lou and I are granted the privilege to speak freely over our airwaves, someone fought for that freedom. Today and always we thank our military veterans from the bottom of our hearts.
Veterans Day is a day for honoring military veterans, thanking and honoring all the military veterans and people who have served in the United States Armed Forces.
Legislation which would have school districts waive proof of residency requirements and allow military families to enroll children in school before relocating has cleared the Assembly Military and Veterans’ Affairs Committee.