The website, one of the the country’s largest digital craft beer magazines, held a survey among their staff for the best hidden-gem places to drink.
Japan's murder hornets have reached the United States, and Coyote Peterson let himself get stung by one to let everyone know what it's like.
Source: Digg
I have family that lives in Japan, and over the weekend my aunt came back to the States. She brought with her a bunch of Kit Kat bars that were, let's say, "unique" when it comes to flavoring.
Paying tribute to the late great Levon Helm who lost his battle with Cancer earlier today. Here's a video Clip going back to a live concert in Japan during the winter of 1987
Enjoy (with a heavy heart) today's "Video Clip of the Day"
The Japanese have put together a bunch of the things I love in one package. "Draws", good dancing, getting in shape all in one wonderful place. They have a brand new product that I pray makes it to America. I haven't seen anything this good since the Shake Weight!