These are shocking pictures — if you want to see a real-life example of a post-apocalyptic world, join me as we look inside a neglected old strip of stores in New Jersey.
What does the inside of a Bed Bath & Beyond store in New Jersey look like after it's been closed for about a year? While the lights are still on, it's a bit creepy.
After initially survivng the latest round of Bed Bath & Beyond closures in New Jersey, the Marlton location at 740 Rte 73 S in the Willow Ridge plaza is closing afterall.
Bed Bath & Beyond just announced plans to close tons more stores across the country — and our area — as the company is gearing up to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
Bed, Bath & Beyond has announced a few more store closures in New Jersey — this time, of the other brands it still owns, buybuy BABY and Harmon Face Values.