There's nothing more devastating than driving all the way to the beach and having to go home because you can't find parking. How do we help the frustrating parking situation at the Jersey Shore?
There has been pepped up demand for mobile vaccination units to be rolled out for months to help those especially who are homebound or are restricted to being home or unable to travel.
The true financial impacts of the summer of 2020 at the Jersey Shore won't truly be known until sometime next year but this year saw record beach revenue in Monmouth County despite the restrictions and despite the pandemic.
It was definitely a very weird Memorial Day weekend up and down the Jersey Shore.
The weather wasn't that great down the shore this weekend, but even if it's not ideal for laying out on the beach, you always had the bars, restaurants, rides, and the arcade to escape too...
The good news for this weekend is that what we usually see at this time every year will be seen once more but with one big distancing will be encouraged and enforced so be sure to keep six-feet of distance.
With so much information being released every single day, it's hard to keep track of which beach, park, and boardwalk is open, and which ones remain closed.
At this time, it seems like most beaches and boardwalks have reopened in New Jersey...
Just like Seaside Heights announced this week the process for their beaches reopening in a two-phase process, Seaside Park has done the same today.
Seaside Park's first phase runs all the way through June 28th, whereas Seaside Height's first phase runs only through the start of Memorial Day Weekend next week...
Point Pleasant Beach Mayor Paul Kanitrahas announced that on Friday, May 15th, the town's Maryland Avenue beach and the local beach associations will be open.