Andrew Grossman of Rip Tide Bait and Tackle is a kind of collector of stuck-in-the-beach photos, and he uses them in an annual calendar. Word has it that he's now putting the final touches on the "Beached Cars of Brigantine 2024 Calendar."
In the land of the Jersey Shore, where accents are distinct, ' How you doin'? ', tans are bold, and boardwalks are lively, a quirky charm is hard to ignore. Sure, it might seem like chaos with all the hair gel, tanning, and lively debates, but underneath it all, there's a love for New Jersey that's hard to match.
Summer has arrived, and with it comes the desire for smart tricks to make our lives easier and more enjoyable. From staying hydrated to beating the heat, we can't escape the fantastic summer hacks that are popping up all over our TikTok and Instagram feeds...
The Fourth of July is right around the corner, and with it comes the bombastic balance of relaxing barbecues and pulse-pounding fireworks that every red-blooded American anticipates. Independence Day has historically been a celebration of all uniquely American forms of sports, snacks, and spectacles, and this year will be no different...