Vampire-friendly cities might sound a bit peculiar and eerie, don't they? But with Halloween lurking around the corner, the timing couldn't be more perfect.
105.7 The Hawk is celebrating DAD with Blocks of Legendary Rockers...
Pioneers, legends, trailblazers are words that describe the original rockers of the 60's and 70's. To celebrate Father's Day we are featuring Triple Plays of the Founding Fathers of Rock Saturday and Sunday. So many of these Rockers have paved the way for a generation of shredders, drummers and power vocals.
The Ocean of Love “Billboard Radiothon” is just a few days away, and I am asking for your help in helping Ocean County families whose children have cancer.
Please read this letter that I wrote explaining what the radiothon is all about, and why it is so important to make a donation to Ocean of Love.
The Ocean of Love Billboard Radiothon is less than 10 days away. The Radiothon kicks off Monday Oct 17th at 5p at the Target/Lowes Shopping Center on Hooper Ave in Toms River, and once again I will be living on a Billboard as we raise money for Ocean of Love...
The Ocean of Love Billboard Radiothon is one month away!Can you believe that?? It kicks off on Monday October 17th at 3p with the goal once again of raising $105,700 for Ocean of Love who helps families whose children are living with Cancer
Once again, I will be living high atop the "billboard" in the Target/Lowes parking lot on Hooper Avenue in Toms River (just as the above poster says
And I need your help to help bail me out!! It's happening this Friday 4/29 at the Ocean County Mall starting at 12:30. (The dolphin is not coming..She has been cleared of all charges)
I have agreed to get "locked up" to raise money for "Ocean of Love".
This weekend we are excited over the fact that we will be observing Daylight Saving Time.
This means that the days will stay lighter longer!!! When you go to bed Saturday night, make sure you turn the clocks ahead 1 hour.
You will be quite "thrown-off" when you wake up on Sunday if you forget to do this...
When it snows, it's time for comedian Vic DiBitetto!!!!
This is absolutely perfect for when it snows! People lose their mind.
Everyone loves this video, and if you haven't seen it yet, I don't know what to tell you besides Wake up!!!!! ...It's hysterical...Enjoy!!
Another Christmas is here, and you might not get what you want. Maybe Aunt Ruthy gave you a give card to Starbucks BUT you don't drink coffee. Maybe Grandma Sylvia gave you a Aeropostale gift card, but you don't shop there
Instead of just throwing the card in a drawer and forgetting about it. Why don't you use it for something that you REALLY want....PORN!!