My Visit To The Hurricane Shelter Today
I made a trip to Toms River High School East today to drop off some items. I also wanted to talk to the people in charge to see how they are doing and to ask about the specific things that they are in need of.
I have to tell you first of all how moved I was by the outpouring of generosity that Ocean County is showing. Once again, Ocean County continues to heed the call when needed. The piles upon piles of bags lining the halls of clothes and towels is amazing. Thank you to everyone that has helped
It was also amazing to see all the volunteers who are there around the clock helping out working tirelessly. Thanks to all of you as well.
But then the reality hits you of what is going on and the magnitude of the storm that hit us. To see rows and rows of cots with people just laying there is absolutely gut wrenching. My heart goes out to these people that have nowhere to go right now.
It is our duty to help out people in need. To empty out our closets to give the victims clean clothing, or to run to the store for certain items, It's the least we can do. Just think if it was you lying on one of those cots.
As to the latest at the shelter. Spoke with Tammy Millar. At the time I was there this afternoon, there were 170 "guests". 40 dogs, 30 cats, 2 birds, and a pig
Their immediate needs are: Water, Blankets, Towels, Mascara, Cream/lotion, chapstick, deodorant, paper plates.
If you want to volunteer, call 848-992-0216. They will let you know the schedule of volunteering.
While I was there I had to chance to chat with school Superintendent Frank Roselli. He said he is incredibly touched at the outpouring of help, and that "we are all in this together".
He also informed me that they have decided to close ALL 18 Toms River Schools NEXT WEEK (11/5-11/9) for two reasons: 2/3 of the schools still don't have power, and roadways and sidewalks are still to dangerous for the kids to walk or wait for school buses.
I was incredibly moved by what I witnessed today, so if you can go over there and help in any way, it would be greatly appreciated