It’s one of the most simple sandwiches that you can make.

It’s also the undisputed, # 1 summer sandwich in New Jersey.

The Tomato Sandwich.

Here is my most recent offering. If the Jersey Tomato is ripe and flavorful … this one was perfect … Here are the ingredients.

  • Super Soft Pepperidge Farms Potato Bread.
  • Hellman’s Mayonnaise.
  • Jersey Tomato.

That’s it. Just these 3 simple ingredients and you have constructed the perfect New Jersey sandwich.

When the Jersey tomato is ripe, this sandwich doesn’t require salt and pepper. It explodes with wonderful flavor all by itself.

I like to taste a slice of the tomato before making my sandwich. If the flavor comes up a little short … then I add a little bit of salt and pepper to my sandwich.

I well know that I’m not alone in my love of the New Jersey Tomato Sandwich.

I posted one photo of today’s tomato sandwich on a paper plate and it instantly attracted many dozens of likes and public comments in just a few minutes.

The New Jersey Tomato Sandwich is one of the most simple items that so many people absolutely love.

Here are some of the comments that we received.

A famous New Jersey friend, Michael Murphy wrote me, “As classic as Pork Roll.”

Kathy Scotti Mccrossan wrote, “My fav. I also add cheese.”

Atlantic County Commissioner Amy Gatto wrote on my post, “All In For That.”

Maria Baltzell Russo wrote, “The BEST JERSEYHAS TO OFFER …YUMMY.”

Mark Cheli wrote us, “Just one complaint on my end! I have no Jersey tomatoes where I'm at.However, I still make those delicious sandwiches!”

Jacqueline Kravitz Strauss wrote, “add crushed potato chips... just sayin'

Elizabeth Hoster wrote, “One of my favorites! couldn't ask for anything more!”

Patricia A. Heinisch-Schulte wrote, “That looks amazing!!!!!”

Kevin Bradberry … “Delish.”

Karen Veach said, “That's exactly how I make them !! So Good!!”

Mary Owen Delcher wrote,”With or without crust??? Yum.”

Jeanne Dewey Donohue, “Yum but needs pepper.”

Christina Thomas, “I feel like I absolutely need one now!! I do however pepper it.” (This was the ultimate compliment).

Susan Silipena Adams, “Hammerbacher Milk and Butter bread with Jersey tomatoes is the best!”

Margie Fineran Hurley, “Welcome to Field grown Jersey Tomato Season!!!”

Donna Lamaine, “My mother's favorite!” (My Mother, too Donna).

I received dozen more comments just as effusively positive as the above regarding The New Jersey Tomato Sandwich.

So, there you have it. The New Jersey Tomato Sandwich is the undisputed # 1 Summer Sandwich.

Pair it with perfect Jersey Corn and you have made the perfect lunch or dinner.

Bon appétit.

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Gallery Credit: Harry Hurley

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Gallery Credit: Harry Hurley


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