20 Older Names . . . That Will Never Be Popular Again
Awful Names That Are Very Unpopular
When I was growing up I wasn't a big fan of my name. "Shawn" wasn't very popular when I was little and it was spelled several different ways, which confused my friends. Sean, Shaun, Shawn, etc. I usually was mistakenly called Scott lol.
20 Older Names . . . That Will Never Be Popular Again
It seems like every kid is being named Liam and Olivia these days, but that won't ALWAYS be the case . . . names go in and out of fashion. Usually. There's a list online of old-school names that people say will NEVER become popular again . . . and there are some good ones. Here are the highlights according to AskReddit:
1. Elmo . . . at least partially because of the "Sesame Street" character.
2. Kermit . . . for the same reason.
3. Gaye (for women), and Gaylord (for men)
4. Ebenezer . . . even though the literary character was ultimately reformed.
5. Adolf . . . for obvious reasons.
6. Errol
7. Horace
8. Karen
9. Fanny
10. Isis
11. Bartholomew
12. Bertha
13. Alexa . . . Amazon really killed the momentum of that one, even though I wouldn't consider it an "old-school name."
14. Lance
15. Phyllis
16. Cletus
17. Gary . . . "Can you imagine a baby named Gary? I can't."
18. Prudence, Charity, Chastity, and other "puritanical virtue names."
19. Archibald . . . but there are plenty of kids being named Archie.
20. Brumhilda . . . or Brunhilda.
So what names to do love and what names are you not so fond of? Let us know and post your comments below, we always love getting your feedback. ]
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