A bill in New Jersey is being introduced to allow hunters to sell deer meat.

As reported at app.com:

A New Jersey lawmaker wants the state's ban on commercial deer hunting lifted. Hunters motivated more by profit than by sport would be relied on to reduce deer populations and could sell their keep to butchers, supermarkets and restaurants.

Monmouth County Assemblywoman Caroline Casagrande said she believes it's necessary to take this step to reduce the number of deer because of the health and safety risks from deer-vehicle collisions and Lyme disease.

I personally, as a vegan, am against violence to all animals (not just a few pampered pets) and support ways to control overpopulation using humane methods.

Of course, I understand fully the danger deer pose to human health and safety, and I'm for controlling the population by other means that have proven effective.

Killing programs aimed at reducing deer populations are often controversial, difficult to execute safely in urban and suburban areas, and don't result in long-term population reduction. Wildlife fertility control offers a humane way to manage deer populations where necessary and appropriate.

And conservationists say pursuing commercial hunt legislation could become politically explosive, with not just pressure from animal rights groups but from sportsmen who don't want to compete with commercial hunters.

What do you think?

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