Autism Awareness

Townsquare Media New Jersey invites you to learn more information about Autism related services, classes, walks and other events throughout the state. Powered by West End The Movie.

One in 88 children and one in 54 boys in the US is now diagnosed with Autism. At this alarming rate of growth, Autism is now considered an epidemic. The controversy over what mysteriously causes this disorder has long been debated. Regardless of how it happens, Autism needs to be identified as early as possible so therapies may begin.

Does Someone you love have Autism?

Here are some of the characteristics of Autism and early warning signs that may indicate a need for further testing / diagnosis (this list was compiled by researching many different Autism websites).

Common Characteristics of Autism:

  • Difficulty with social interactions
    • People with Autism often do not spontaneously reach out to others to share information or feelings.
    • They also typically do not know how to engage in simple social interactions, such as sharing an experience with another person.
    • Eye contact is often limited
  • Difficulty with communication
    • A delay in or a lack of development of spoken language is very typical
    • Once developed, vocabulary may be limited to one or two word phrase
    • Common speech abnormalities for people with autism include echolalia (immediate or delayed repeating of information), unconventional word use, and unusual tone, pitch, and inflection.
    • Even when more complex speech is acquired, individuals with autism typically have poor conversational skills.
    • They may also have difficulty understanding common, nonverbal cues such as body language, facial expressions, and eye contact.
  • Unusual behaviors
    • People with autism may also show a restricted range of interests (a child may be far more interested in one or two toys and may not play with those toys “appropriately.” For example, instead of rolling the car across a floor, an autism child may turn it upside down and spin it on its hood … or pick it up and continuously spin a tire.
    • Individuals with autism can also be very resistant to changes in routine. Even a minor change could be a great upset to a child or adult with autism.
    • Transitioning from one activity to another may also be very difficult for a person with Autism.
    • Extremities in activity (hyperactive or extremely passive) are common
    • Little or no apparent fear of real dangers
    • Unusual responses to sensations (high tolerance for pain and deep pressure / low tolerance to certain textures)
    • Inappropriate laughing or crying
    • Inappropriate attachment to objects
    • Difficulties with eating, sleeping and toileting
    • Aggressive or self-injurious behavior
    • Sometimes Savant abilities may immerge (present in less than 2% of individuals with Autism)

Early Warning signs that may indicate a child is Autistic:

  • No big smiles or other warm, joyful expressions by six months or thereafter
  • No back-and-forth sharing of sounds, smiles, or other facial expressions by nine months or thereafter
  • No babbling by 12 months
  • No Gesturing (pointing, waving bye-bye) by 12 months
  • No words by 16 months
  • No two-word meaningful phrases (without imitating or repeating) by 24 months
  • Any loss of speech or babbling or social skills at any age
  • Doesn’t make eye contact (e.g. look at you when being fed).
  • Doesn’t respond to his or her name or to the sound of a familiar voice.
  • Doesn’t follow objects visually.
  • Doesn’t point or wave goodbye or use other gestures to communicate.
  • Doesn’t follow the gesture when you point things out.
  • Doesn’t make noises to get your attention.
  • Doesn’t initiate or respond to cuddling.
  • Doesn’t imitate your movements and facial expressions.
  • Doesn’t reach out to be picked up.
  • Doesn’t play with other people or share interest and enjoyment.
  • Doesn’t ask for help or make other basic requests.

My child exhibits some of these characteristics. What Do I next?