If you think of rednecks as ignorant, sister-boffing, cousin-marrying, Deliverance-styled men holding rifles, tromping out to the woods to have some fun killing defenseless creatures, then you're probably mostly right.

But then there's the "Turtleman", and he will challenge your stereotype, proving that even dentally-challenged southern boys can have a heart of gold when it comes to animals (and hopefully stay away from their sisters).

His real name is Ernie Brown, Jr. and he's the star of his own show on Animal Planet, called "Call of the Wildman".

If you haven't seen it, but you think you might like to see charming entertainment that puts a simple, sweet, yet strong and brave country boy up against wild animals, using his bare hands to capture biting, clawing and pissed-off creatures (but safely relocating them), this is the show to catch.

I'm hooked.

Have you seen the show? If so, what do you think?





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